
The Unravelling
"Canadian progressive metal band"
Pretty legit website with tons of info and downloads.  This music isn't exactly my style, but i'm going to pass them on to some friends who are since they're actually quite talented. 

Also in the same email, a band called Post Death Soundtrack was mentioned.
They're electro/rock
Boy & Girl

Calgary based band, just released their first album called "Love Crimes."  Kind of bluesy, reminds me of The Script or Train only fronted by a talented female.

procrastination started this blog, over and over again.

i randomly check the gmail account associated with this blog and am constantly surprised to see artists still taking time to send us an email even though we haven't posted in forever-ever. today, not wanting to do homework that i have neglected through reading break, i felt inspired to check the traffic and was again surprised to see a decent amount of people still coming here. then i googled calgary music blog and realized that we're the top hit...now it all makes sense.

i hate to disappoint, so i'm going to post up some recent and relevant artists that i've received emails from when i get the chance.

also, if you're reading this and want to email us, please send the following things, and only the following things:
your name and/or bands name, brief info about you, a link to youtube/myspace, why you're relevant to calgary, why i should take the time to post you.
